Proud to support local charity Every Child Online.



Proud to support local charity Every Child Online

As we continue delivering high-quality façade solutions across London and the South East, Eden Facades has also taken a step towards supporting underprivileged children and further promoting sustainability. 

We’ve made a contribution to Every Child Online, a fantastic charity working throughout Essex and London, providing them with a number of disused laptops to be repurposed. The charity’s initiative aligns with our company’s ethos of nurturing local communities and advocating environmental preservation. 

Moved to act 

Every Child Online has an inspiring backstory rooted in the challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. The charity was co-founded by two people moved by a news story during the height of the Covid era: Mike Tarbard and Simon Gurner. 

The story highlighted the story of a child who had been unable to access online learning and had resorted to completing his homework on a mobile phone. Mike and Simon were stirred into action. They realised they could use their existing respective skills to address this issue. 

 Mike comments: 

“We pooled our talents and reached out to local schools, offering IT devices we had in our possession. The response was overwhelmingly positive. In an eye-opening moment, one local school revealed that approximately 40 per cent of their students lacked access to online learning! 

“For everyone, this figure was a stark representation of the number of children who were struggling with their studies due to a lack of resources during the lockdown.” 

Mike and Simon promptly tapped into their networks and, via LinkedIn, began forging connections with individuals and businesses who could contribute to the cause. 

“Hard work started bearing fruit” says Mike, “By the second lockdown, we had caught the attention of influential platforms like the BBC and LinkedIn. The initiative was gaining traction.” 

Bridging the digital divide

Fast forward from 2021 to the present day and Every Child Online has been diligently collecting, refurbishing, and redistributing devices from businesses and the public. Their efforts have been instrumental in equipping charities and schools catering to underprivileged children, with much-needed IT devices.  

Over the years, they’ve seen firsthand the inadequacies of IT equipment in schools, which has further strengthened their resolve to bridge the digital divide. But the issue of waste became important too when it was clear that older equipment would end up in landfill. 

Mike explains: 

“The cause doesn’t end with providing laptops to children, though. In recognising the sustainability potential of our operations, we went a step further. We’ve adopted a two-pronged approach in our collection efforts: separate IT equipment from the public and businesses. The public-donated devices go to children without access to online learning at home, while business-donated devices go to schools. 

“Since we started this charity, we’ve saved the equivalent of six double-decker buses’ worth of IT equipment from going to landfill.” 

Eden Facades were introduced to Every Child Online via Terry Box, our SHEQ Manager. We were inspired by the incredibly valuable work the charity does and felt compelled to participate. 

Every child matters 

Tony Hill, Managing Director at Eden Facades, comments: 

We were so impressed by the work undertaken by the team at Every Child Online. They have given essential equipment to over 200 government schools and community projects like youth centres and other charities too. 

“The figures speak for themselves: So far, over 12,000 devices, collectively valued at approximately £3 million, have been repurposed. We’re extremely pleased to have had the opportunity to contribute to Every Child Online’s cause. 

 “The work they’re doing is transformative in so many ways – from enhancing access to IT for poorer children to promoting sustainable practices. We’re looking forward to nurturing our relationship with the charity and providing more support in the future.” 

We recognise the importance of every child having access to quality education, irrespective of their socio-economic background. And we are equally committed to contributing to a more sustainable world, where waste is minimised, and resources optimally used. 

If you’d like to find out how you can support Every Child Online, visit their website today and read all about how this terrific charity does so much for young people. 

2023-07-31T09:41:10+00:00July 31st, 2023|

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